2015-01-20 | Articles

Why Women Should Train Chest


Chest training is usually on the bottom of the list for most women, To completely avoid chest training is simply a bad idea

let’s say you stop training chest entirely, but you still train your back, arms, core and legs. An off balanced training routine could end up developing muscular imbalances in your body.

This could lead to things like bad posture a stringy or bony looking chest, and the inability to perform other exercises correctly, You might even injure yourself trying to do an exercise that involves some chest muscles that can’t pull or push their own weight. Whether you want to be strong enough to move into your new apartment on your own, develop athletic skills for a specific sport, or sculpt a cover-model physique -- your chest muscles will play a part in your training schedule. In fact, if you've ever seen beautiful, round shoulders on other women or kick-butt triceps, you might be surprised to find out that chest workouts really help develop those body parts! Often you can lift a lot more weight when doing chest exercises than when doing triceps or shoulder isolation moves alone. Since the chest is such a large muscle area, training it will burn more calories than training smaller muscle groups. Chest exercises lead to a better rate of burning fat, chest training will help you avoid injury and build a well-rounded and strength-balanced body

Let's sport, and fat out !!